In 2017, I was fortunate enough to participate in the Fallingwater High School Residency Studio 2 Program from July 22-29 in Mill Run, Pennsylvania. I stayed at High Meadow, an award-winning residence half a mile from Fallingwater designed by AIA Gold Medalist architect Peter Bohlin, and studied Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece up close with licensed architect and educator Daniel M. Cohen.
Visitor Pavilion
One of our projects was to design a visitor pavilion for an existing vista point. My design features a slanted poly awning with cutouts for the trees, meant to keep out rain but keep in the lush greenery. Rain would run down the surface and cascade down the back of the pavilion, mirroring the waterfall.

Pavilion location

Pavilion location

View from pavilion
Elevation 1
Elevation 2

Concrete Trailmarker
Another project was designing and building a concrete trailmarker to mark the path between High Meadow and Fallingwater. I drew inspiration from the numerous books and circular shelves that wrapped around the corners of Wright's masterpiece.

Shelf Inspiration

Book Inspiration

In mold


Garlic drafting practice